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A trip called Y.E.A.H.

Come along with us in a wonderful trip! This trip is called Y.E.A.H. – Young Europeans Active & Healthy. We’ll be travelling for two years. The idea come from our partners from Poland – teachers and student from Zespol Szkolno-Przedszkolny, Krzczonow – Poland. And that’s not all! We are not travelling alone! Student from: Agrupamento de Escolas de Ideas, Felgueiras – Portugal, Instituto de Ensenanza Secundaria 8 de Marzo, Alicante – Spain, Prienu “Azuolo” progimnazija, Prienai – Lithuania, Rigas 88.vidusskola, Riga – Latvia – are shouting with enthusiasm: YEAAAAH!

Our trip is funded by the European Union, part of Erasmus+ Programme.

"The project intends to draw the attention of the students, staff and local communities of the participating countries to the importance of sport and healthy eating. The project "Y.E.A.H." will educate student on healthy lifestyle choices including appropriate eating habits and sport related issue."

(Official Summary - Coordinators)


+40 266 342 700

Şcoala Gimnazială Sfantu Ilie, str. Ştefan cel Mare, nr.21,  loc. Topliţa, jud. Harghita, Romania

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