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Transnational mobility, meeting in Prienai, Lithuania
18 December 2017/ Nodis Madalina and Szebeni Monica
From the 10th to the 16th of December 2017, our teachers Nodis Madalina and Szebeni Monica accompanied by our VIII th grade students Iordachita Adela and Stan Teodora attended the transnational mobility held in Prienai, Lithuania.
The activities’ aim was to promote a healthy active life.
Our participants had the opportunity of interacting with teachers and students from Spain, Portugal, Poland , Latvia and Lithuania and of learning new things about Lithuanian history, culture and civilization.

Transnational mobility, meeting in Alicante, Spain
14 May 2018/ Puscas Marin and Darosi Gabriel
The third transnational mobility of the Erasmus+ project „Young Europeans Healthy and Active” took place from 7th to the 11th of May 2018, in Alicante, Spain.
The two teachers representing Scoala Gimnaziala „Sfantu Ilie” were Darosi Gabriel- the coordinator of the project and Puscas Marin.The students that represented our school were Bencze Denisa and Szebeni Delia from the VIIth grade.
The participants attended school activities, visited Alicante’s touristic atractions and historical places and took part in different training sessions.They learnt about healty food and healthy lifestyle and developed understanding and communication skills.

Transnational meeting in Portugal
23 July 2018/ Tun Daniel Liviu and Puscas Marin
Between 16 to 20 July 2018 was held a second meeting transnational Felgueiras, Portugal. This meeting was attended by Mr. Daniel Tun headmaster of Secondary School "Sfântu Ilie" and profesor Pușcaș Marin.
This meeting was attended by two representatives from partner schools in this international project. During this visit we discussed the activities carried out by each partner school in this project, activities carried out in the first year and prepared the report for the first year.

Transnational mobility, meeting in Romania
18 october 2018/ Puscas Marin
În perioada 7-13 octombrie 2018 a avut loc a treia întâlnire transnațională din proiectul Erasmus+ în Toplița, România. Școala noastră a fost gazdă pentru această întâlnire internațională, unde au participat toate cele cinci țări partenere din acest proiect. În cadrul acestei săptămâni elevii și profesorii au participat la diverse activități din cadrul programului oficial cum ar fi: ”Tradițional Meals”- elevii au prezentat rezultatele cooperării lor online, au lucrat în șase echipe internaționale care la final au prezentat cele șase categorii propuse anterior(legume, supe, paste, carne, pește, desert, ”Chemistry in the kitchen” – elevii au avut un atelier în laboratorul de chimie unde au făcut experimente cu diverse produse încercând să explice reacțiile și ce se înâmplă în corpul omenesc după ce mâncăm acele alimente, ”European Cuisine Fair” – profesorii și elevii au ales o rețetă de mâncare din activitatea- traditional meals - și au încercat să o prepare în cadrul natural pe echipe internaționale, ”Foodopedia” – elevii au adunat informații despre componentele chimici și minerale din alimente și le-au expus in cadrul unor prezentări(carbohidrați, proteine, grăsimi, minerale, apă, vitamine).
Tot în cadrul acestei săptămâni participanții au vizitat baza terapeutică ”Mina de sare Praid unde au desfășurat activități sportive benefice pentru corpul omenesc, laboratorul tradițional de preparare a cărnii de la ”Petry” unde au avut de făcut o rețetă tradiționlă din această zonă , au vizitat și rezervația naturală Cheile Bicazului – Lacul Roșu.
On October 7-13, 2018, the third transnational meeting of the Erasmus + project took place in Topliţa, Romania. Our school was the host for this international meeting where all five partner countries of this project participated.
This week the students and teachers participated in various activities within the official program, such as "Traditional Meals" - the students presented the results of their online cooperation, worked in six international teams that eventually presented the six categories previously proposed vegetables, soups, pasta, meat, fish, dessert, "Chemistry in the Kitchen" - students had a workshop in the chemistry lab where they experimented with various products trying to explain reactions and that mushroom clouds occurred in the human body after eating those food, "European Cuisine Fair" - teachers and students have chosen a traditional dish of food - and have tried to prepare it internally on international teams "Foodopedia" - students have gathered information on the chemical and mineral components of foods and exposed them in some presentations (carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals) , water, vitamins).