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YEAH - Mascot

the 13th of November 2017

I thought of making a bear, representative for the area where I live. I used a paper mowing technique, a tube of kitchen towels, scotch, paint, and of course a lot of creativity.

To the bear, I added the Olympic circles symbolizing the sport and the movement, tied together with the Romanian flag. On the head, I put on a graduate hat, representing culture and wisdom. I was very glad when out of all the mascots my colleagues made, mine was chosen to be the winner.

My mascot is just waiting for the meeting in Lithuania with the other mascots!

Delia-Bianca Szebeni,

the 7th B grade

Copy of Help Wanted Flyer Job template.jpg

Mascota YEAH

the 19th of October 2017

Iată o nouă ocazie să-ţi demonstrezi dibăcia, creativitatea, isteţimea şi hărnicia! De data aceasta provocarea este o mascotă. Citeşte cu atenţie afişul pe care-l întâlneşti în şcoală, gândeşte bine şi pune-te pe treabă! De data aceasta avem şi un premiu surpriză. Aşteptăm mascota ta!

Here it is a new opportunity to demonstrate your skillfull, creativity, cleverness and diligence. This time the challenge is a mascot. Carefully, read the poster you can find in the school, think hard and start your work! This time we have a surprise for the winner. Just waiting for your mascot!

+40 266 342 700

Şcoala Gimnazială Sfantu Ilie, str. Ştefan cel Mare, nr.21,  loc. Topliţa, jud. Harghita, Romania

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