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Transnational mobility, meeting in Prienai, Lithuania

18 December 2017/ Nodis Mădălina and Szebeni Monica

În perioada 10-16 Decembrie 2017, profesorii din școala noastră doamna Nodis Mădălina și domna Szebeni Monica împreună cu elevii noștri din clasa a VIII a Iordăchiță Adela și Stan Teodora, au participat la întâlnirea internațională desfășurată în Prienai, Lituania. Au participat la activități care au promovat un stil de viață sănătos și activ. Acestea au participat alături de reprezentanții din Spania, Portugalia, Polonia, Letonia și Lituania la activități de învățare a unor noi cunoștințe despre istoria, cultura și civilizația Lituaniei.
From the 10th to the 16th of December 2017, our teachers Nodis Madalina and Szebeni Monica accompanied by our VIII th grade students Iordachita Adela and Stan Teodora attended the transnational mobility held in Prienai, Lithuania.
The activities’ aim was to promote a healthy active life.
Our participants had the opportunity of interacting with teachers and students from Spain, Portugal, Poland , Latvia and Lithuania and of learning new things about Lithuanian history, culture and civilization. The activities were very well organized and structured and their aim was to promote an active and healthy lifestyle. Students and teachers have participated in these activities: Opening Ceremony of the Mock Olympic Games, Prienai region museum, “The way of Bread to our Homes”, sports activities in the gym, training session of the local basketball team,visit to Prienai Sports Center, visit to the Sport Museum, visit to the War Museum and Art Museum, presentation of mascots, closing Ceremony of the Mock Olympic Games, visit to historical Capital of Lithuania, Trakai
workshop in the chocolate factory.

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+40 266 342 700

Şcoala Gimnazială Sfantu Ilie, str. Ştefan cel Mare, nr.21,  loc. Topliţa, jud. Harghita, Romania

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