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MASTAHAC SERGIU/Dos and Don’ts of a Healthy Diet


- use healthy cooking methods such as steaming, stewing, roasting, or boiling;

- drink 6 to 8 glasses of fluids such as water, plain tea or clear soup everyday;

- have three meals everyday at regular hours. Healthy snacks can be taken between meals;

- choose low-fat or skimmed dairy products;

- choose more fresh vegetables and meat and foods that are rich in dietary fibre such as whole wheat cereal products;

- have breakfast everyday;

- relax when you eat and chew slowly. Don’t eat too fast.

- moderate exercises regularly; - choose vegetable oil (for example, rapeseed oil and peanut oil) and avoid animal oil (for example, lard and butter).


-eat too much before going to bed;

- eat high-sugar food such as candies, ice-cream, soft drinks and other sugar-added drinks (for example, sugar-added fruit juice);

- eat snacks such as candies, French fries, instant noodles, ice-cream and soft drinks because they contain many calories that not only cause obesity but also affect our appetite and hinder the intake of nutritious food;

- eat too much egg yolks and entrails.

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Healthy lifestyle

Puskas Cynthia

+40 266 342 700

Şcoala Gimnazială Sfantu Ilie, str. Ştefan cel Mare, nr.21,  loc. Topliţa, jud. Harghita, Romania

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