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The LOGO Contest

Following the announcement released at school, which proposed the creation of a logo for the project Erasmus +, I decided to try it, my passion is drawing. I found out about the contest and the team of teachers from the project Erasmus, who told us about the opportunities for participation in the competition. It was a challenge for me to create a logo for the project YEAH (Young Europeans Active and Healthy), whose aim is to promote a healthy lifestyle.

The logo created by me, I tried to capture the idea behind the project, that young people are interested in an active and healthy life. Items were initials logo design, stylized, representing young athletes and associated countries flags symbolize balls in the project: Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Portugal, Spain and Romania.

I was very happy when, from the set of works by students of our school, my work has been selected and voted on the school website. My first thought when I heard about the logo was to find the best idea to help me create the best design to be successful ... and I did!

I thank to Erasmus + team for this opportunity, those who voted appreciated my work and, not least, I thanks my mom, who believed in me and encouraged me always!


+40 266 342 700

Şcoala Gimnazială Sfantu Ilie, str. Ştefan cel Mare, nr.21,  loc. Topliţa, jud. Harghita, Romania

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